Our goal is to make at least one event every month so when our good friend Charlotte approached us to hear if we would be interested in supporting the NATO Charity Bazaar we didn’t hesitate to turn it into a charity VIP event.
We love supporting charity but we thought it would be nice to spice things up at the event with some Nordic alcohol.
So we contacted another good friend, in this case Klaus Ståhlberg who is the man behind the fantastic Helsinki Café who promotes Finnish brands of alcohol in Benelux. And they also provide cocktail bars for events. A perfect match for us!
To make things even more interesting Klaus has recently bought an old caravan that he has turned into a rolling bar and our event was to be the caravan’s maiden voyage.
Needless to say, that this night combining charity, Finnish gin tonics, Nordic design items and Indian Summer temperatures was a massive hit.
A lot of people showed up and they were really generous both in the shop and in the caravan so the NATO Bazaar can expect a substantial donation.
We would therefore like to thank all of you for showing up for this amazing event.
We will definitely make more events and the next one will in fact be announced very soon so stay tuned.